
H1 2020 Results

Read about our H1 2020 results and take a look back at our focus for the first half of this year:


NatWest Group is here to provide help and support to those who need it.


Watch to find out how we’ve adapted to dramatic changes in the way we live and the way we work.


At NatWest Group, we champion potential, in good times and in bad, to help the people, families and businesses we serve to recover, rebuild and, ultimately, to thrive.

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Our purpose in action (PDF 1.32MB)


手机怎么修改ip地址 没有公网IP如何实现内网穿透 - Oray贝 ...:2021-12-4 · 做互联网营销的伙伴们,想必对怎么修改ip地址来是很习以为常的,几乎任何产品都要围绕手机转,什么刷排名、刷下拉、刷点赞等等,这些操作的核心都会用到换IP,相比在PC端大家都知道可以宽带拨号、路由器重启等等方法,那么手机移动端怎么修改ip地址呢?

Enjoy a journey through our archives reflecting on our shared heritage (PDF 4.1MB)


NatWest contributed £5 million to the Prince’s Trust Enterprise Relief Fund which helped companies like KHAN Performance.

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Our history in Britain goes back for hundreds of years. As we look to the future, we build on strong foundations to meet new challenges. Take a walk down memory lane with us and enjoy the events that make us proud to be NatWest Group today.